I'm Natalie Jackson
I know the feeling.
You can't stay consistent with how you take care of yourself.
Some days and weeks you have your shit dialed and then suddenly you "fall off the wagon."
Wondering where your routine went.
I'm here to tell you that there is no wagon.
There is a natural approach to being healthy at any age.
One that actually works and isn't linked to strict diets, forced gym workouts, excessive motivation, buying expensive products, or time consuming self-care routines.
You can rest easy knowing nature, behavioral science, and you (yes, YOU) instinctively know the answers to your symptoms without sacrificing the pleasures of life.
We just need to unearth your inner wisdom.
That's why I created the Longevity Blueprint course: to give you space to hear yourself, tools to design smart and simple habits, and a mindset that can adapt to your changing environments so you can feel strong, content, and happy in your body.

How Natalie Jackson Wellness Started
I'm a Wellness and Lifestyle Coach with roots as a Wilderness Guide and Outdoor Educator who combines the intelligence of nature and science of behavioral change.
As a junior in college, I ventured off on a semester-long fields program that taught me how to live, work, and play on the road while learning to become an outdoor leader. Once I discovered that you can get paid to go camping, I was hooked.
There was a side to seasonal guiding I didn't know how to balance and it really rocked me. My health was taking a hit with hormonal acne, eczema, food sensitivities, achey joints, inconsistent moon cycles, anxiety and depression.
Holistic health was always on my radar but this was the moment I dove in the deep end to heal myself. And noticed I had a real knack for helping others upgrade their life.
With 15 years of guiding experience, 2 health coaching certifications, and 4 years of 1:1 and group coaching, I launched Natalie Jackson Wellness 2 weeks before COVID (talk about timing).
My signature course Longevity Blueprint is a 3.5 month group coaching course that teaches you to create simple and adaptable self-care habits. Focused on the foundations of wellness: functional movement, mindfulness, rhythmic eating, and lifestyle design.

Fun Facts About My Life
I am a human-powered adventure junkie.
Bikes, canoes, standup paddle boards - I just love them, and I love to go places with them using my body. Multi-week wilderness trips hiking and paddling in the Canadian and Alaskan Arctic, on the Mississippi River, Superior Hiking Trail, and biking across Oregon and Washington state.
I live in a tiny house and travel in a van.
I also used to live aboard a 1970's sailboat on Lake Superior! I am most cozy in a small physical space that isn't filled with stuff. I caught the minimal lifestyle bug early and often pinch myself that my partner, Lucas, and built and designed our tiny homes.
I never thought I'd start a business.
It was the farthest thing from my mind. I honestly didn't think I was smart enough. (Ya, that "enough" crap). I can still sometimes still feel out of my league but I've never been more empowered, creative, and happy in my career.
My Views On Wellness
My mission is to help you stop pushing your way to a healthy body but instead use the science of habit change and nature. You will rejuvenate your vibrant energy, deep rest, nourishment & joy of living.
I teach people to get unstuck, regain their health, reset negative thinking and reduce anxiety so they can experience their own self-empowerment and intuition.
Natalie Jackson Wellness Has Been Featured On ...

Duluth News Tribune article: Living Tiny
Wildpreneurs blog: Instinctual Health
Yoga Health Coaching podcast: Finding Ease and Flow
Perf*cked podcast: Reconnecting with Nature to Heal Ourselves
Guide to Wholeness podcast: Ecotherapy and Rituals for Navigating Seasonal Change
The Undergrowth podcast: Transforming Through Habits
Tiny House Giant Journey video: Converted Van Tour
Yoga Healer short video: Value of a Dynamic Group